Mid Spring – Taurus Season

In spring, there is this one specific week in which everything explodes.


One day, the world is still in winter mode. The next, everything is SPRING!

The plants burst out of the ground. The bees are buzzing. You can smell fresh grass and flowers (and for some of us: allergies).

Something new has begun

You might be able to feel this inside yourself as well. There is a sense of new possibilities, may it be big or small. There is a little bit of hope, curiosity, and wonder…

It’s exciting!

For some of us, this period means only fresh starts and happiness.

For some of us, when new doors open, others have to close.

This is part of the natural cycle of life. Death and new life are closest to each other within mid spring. So Use this time:

  • to finally make that decision
  • to just try it
  • to dear to say it
  • to trust the process
  • to grasp that opportunity
  • to admire the cycle of life
  • to go outside!

We actively choose everyday to love ourselves and everything around us. But during these months, it can be so easy. Nature is full of wonders. We are wonders, too.
